Thursday, October 16, 2008

fall basketball league

Check this out:


A blog on our Sugar City fall women’s basketball league!   We had good refs and everything

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Beloved Emma by Lori Woodland

Coach Woodland's Book is #3 in Deseret Book's Top Ten List, and it's not
even available in stores. (I think it will be available next
weekend...but you can pre-order online now!)

Cool, huh?

You can also get it on Barnes and Noble for under $20 delivered...not sure
why you can't get it cheaper from the publisher, but hey, pass on the word
to your friends to get a copy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Anybody else going through Olympic withdrawals?

So what if I didn't get anything done for two and a half weeks, I want the Olympics back! Thank goodness we have DVR and I can watch the swimming events OVER and OVER and OVER again for the next four years.

Enrichment Night with Coach Woodland in Idaho Falls

Coach Woodland will be speaking at our Enrichment Night at my ward in Idaho Falls on September 17th. They are serving dinner at 6:30 and then Coach will speak to us. Please come if you're in the area! Directions from the freeway are to head West on Broadway, then take a left on Troy Drive, then a left on Brentwood and the church will be on the left. If you have questions please call me--757-8872. Someone from my ward actually called me to see if I could get Coach to speak because they had heard she was speaking in Dillon. She is in high demand!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Congratulations Coach Woodland

Coacher was writing this book when we were coaching in Winnemucca, I am so excited to read it. Congrats for making it a reality! Love you coach

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anybody up for a HALF?

This looks like a RIOT!

Alice Schenkk, a friend of my mom's from Rupert, told me about this "Prison Break" half marathon in Boise and I would LOVE to join her. I think it would be a fun thing to do on my birthday weekend. Check out the You Tube video of last year's race: